About Me

My name is Royd Brayshay. I’m a software engineer passionate about good and bad design. I live in Harrogate, England with my partner and two young daughters. I like creative people and I love to build things. I always have an ongoing project, some have been quite large.

I’m interested in software, business, engineering and adventure sports. And did I mention design.

I currently focus mostly on .Net and work as a freelance consultant. From 2004 to 2009 I was an architect on the Sage 200 team, a mid-market ERP product popular in the UK. I’m also a Certified Scrum Master.

My first computer was a BBC micro (the model B version) and I wrote my Computer Science A-Level project on a Commodore PET.

I’ve work on lots of other platforms including IBM Mainframes and a couple of flavours of Unix. I’ve also had a variety of jobs including feeding giant cartridge silos at some of the largest data centres in Europe.

For fun I make stuff with my daughters, go sailing or climb on the beautiful local gritstone

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